Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Biggest stone arch-bridge in the world...

Well, it used to be a biggest stone arch bridge at the time of its construction. But later a new bridge was constructed and what we see today is that famous landmark of Luxemborg's  - the Adolphe bridge! Me and my colleague [Senthil- a great travel freak] walked over this bridge, wandered thru those streets, and tried to capture whatever we could with our cameras.

I did it in my new moleskine watercolor album with Pentel brush pen!! The width of the moleskine notebook helps bring out panaromic style drawings. I think it is made to capture those bridges perfectly!

I did this using an old photograph in line, ink and wash as usually.

[The paper in Moleskine album is quite different. I actually like to do on winsor & newton's 300gsm. cold pressed[not] where the absorption quality is high and the way colors mix especially wet on wet is too good compared to moleskine one. But moleskine brings out a unique look and feel. Will keep experimenting though:) ]

Sunday, 26 February 2012

The River, The Mountains, The Boat - PaapiKondalu

This must be one my best journeys on a river boat. 'Paapikondalu' - the range of hills and the holy river Godavari nestles its way through them, and the way the river boat cuts through the currents, the sounds, the breeze, and occasional spotting of wild birds..such a refereshing and mesmerizing experience.

This particular view..the temple stands on the edge of a high hill, and the boats make a pit stop re-fuel their energies and also for tourists! This is a nice view i could capture and render this in my new moleskine notebooks using pentel brush, watercolor, pen and ink.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Boat named 'Hope'

Saw this boat floating at the edge of a has strangely, with its stillness, stirred my ambition of adventure to places of wonder. I did this in flat 30 mins in pen, ink and wash

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Enchanting Canals...Beautiful wooden buildings..

I saw these two beautiful wooden buildings on the side of a canal in Brugge...recaptured using an old photo. Did this in pen & wash
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